Earn1K Overall Evaluation & Review

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So, is Earn1K worth the money?

The short answer is yes, but not for everyone.

When I joined Earn1K I needed a push in the right direction along with actionable steps and accountability.  Being a member of the program gave me everything I needed to take action.

Was the course perfect? No, and I’m going to share with you some of the flaws and drawbacks of the course and what you can do to avoid them.

But first, let’s look at the facts:

Old Day Job Rate: $17.50/hr

Old Freelance Rate – $10/hr

New Average Freelance Rate – $150/hr (updated 8/6/11)

(my avg hourly rate has gone up 15x, and I keep raising it to limit demand!)

Highest Freelance Rate – $300/hr

# of New Clients: 30+

Total Freelance Income: $4300 $7900

[update 11/16/2010: $17900avg 4k-6k/mo!]

[update 5/27/2011: $44600 and billing at $100/hr!!]

[update – 8/6/11 : $65300 and billing at $150/hr…
…from anywhere I want to work] 

Think about what you’re making right now and how that work makes you feel.  Wouldn’t you rather do work that you enjoy and that actually makes a difference in people’s lives?  What if you could get paid what you’re worth and what you deserve to do that work?  Guess what?  YOU CAN!!

As a whole, the Earn1K system is the highest quality freelancing guide in existence.  If you follow the program exactly and spend at least 5 hours per week working on your business you WILL succeed.

The basic premise of Earn1K is simple — identify a set of people who have a specific problem that they are willing and able to pay to have solved and solve that problem for them.  You will accomplish this by getting inside your client’s head and crafting an incredibly compelling offering.

Once you’ve got 3 clients all you need to do is optimize, deal with issues and rake in the referrals!

All of this, however, is based on you GETTING OFF YOUR ASS and TAKING ACTION. You can read through all the material, watch all the videos and post all over the forums but if you don’t actually GO OUT AND DO IT you’ll still be exactly where you are right now.

I promised to tell you about the drawbacks of the program and here they are:

  • There is a LOT of material and it can be overwhelming if you fall behind.  Solution: Keep the momentum up and don’t get discouraged if a module takes you a long time.  You can always come back to it.

  • Keep a copy of your answers to the surveys — you might not be able to access them later.

  • It can be tempting to spend a lot of time in the forums asking and answering questions – DON’T.  This time is much better spent finding clients or working on your value proposals.

  • Earn1K is NOT about passive income – if you’re looking for $$$ without putting in effort, look elsewhere.

Here’s what you should do:

  1. Sign up for the free, no obligation 7-day trial to make sure the program is right for you

  2. Think about the lessons you learn in the first week and think how much more you’ll learn in the whole 8 week program

  3. If you’re sure that you’re ready – sign up for Earn1K and take a month to be sure.  Ramit offers a 30-day money back guarantee *Update* 60 day- money back guarantee because HE wants you to be sure as well

  4. Profit

  5. Email me and let me know how you’re doing – I want to hear from you!

  6. Live life with the freedom you’ve always dreamed about

Ready to get on the path to freedom?  Click here for the Official Site.
Official Site

Written by Andrew Baber+

August 8, 2011

About Andrew Baber

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